What is the summer bat maternity season?

Summer is an important season in the life cycle of Providence bats, both male and female. This is because bats tend to mate during the summer for a number of weeks that last as long as their gestational period which is often between 40 to 180 days. From this maternity season, the female pregnant bats will bring forth new pups that have to be tended, fed and nurtured up to the point at which they can survive on their own.

The length of this period can be affected by elements such as the availability of food, climate and overall weather. Warmer weather tends to promote the growth of the fetus while colder temperatures slow this growth down significantly. This is part of the main reason for the formation of the bat maternity colonies that offer the unit colony the opportunity to share body warmth.

The summer Rhode Island bat maternity season varies from Providence bat species to the next and from one place to the other as well. This is because there are places where the season starts earlier than others which is most common in places where the weather is warmer. In cooler places, this season tends to start much later. It is during this period that bats maternity colonies are formed. Maternity colonies are broken apart once the young pups are able to survive on their own.

During the summer bat maternity period, finding a group of pregnant bats hiding in comfortable lofts or undisturbed attics is not a new thing. This is because the bats will look for the safest and most comfortable to roost and have their young ones. Some of the most common indicators that will bring their presence in your home to your attention will include noises and movements as they leave the lair in the night and come back later in the morning after foraging for food.

In addition, you will notice their body grease in the entry points as well as their droppings. You will also not miss their smelly urine which may stain your ceiling boards and keep you away with its stench.

In order to avoid the complications that come with excluding bats, especially a maternity colony, preventing them from coming into your home to roost in the very beginning will be more efficient. This is because once they are in the home getting them out will not be an easy task and worse still, may be prohibited by the local municipality regulations as bat exclusion may not be allowed in situations where baby bats are present.

Some of the simple steps that can be taken in the process of preventing them from coming into the home include sealing off all holes and entry points that are large enough to let them in. This can easily be done using a number of methods. Increasing the amount of lighting in the home will also deter them from becoming your guest during their summer maternity season. This is especially important because some female bats will come back to roost in the same place over the next summer as well and you don’t want that to keep happening.

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